Monday 14 July 2014

Sign Up For Email Updates And News

Hi all,
Today is the day we switch to the new page... this one!
Keep an eye on this Blog for all the latest runs and events. If you post a comment on anything, such as to ask a question or to tell me your coming, can I ask you to start the comment with your name/nickname, so so we know who is saying what. I would greatly appreciate any pictures or videos you take on the events being emailed to me at the below address, this is both for me as I always forget to take any, and so I can add them to this page.
One other way to contact me is on email:
Also you can subscribe to my e-mail out list. I will email you when the next run or event has been posted up, and again a few days before the event. To do this, email me at the above address, asking to receive email updates.

Ill be putting up the next runs details in the next few days, keep an eye on the Blog.
James Newsam.