Wednesday 18 June 2014

More of the same, just a new website.

Hi all,
Yes this is the same group as on facebook, and hopefully will work as well, if not even better than the facebook one did.

There are two reasons for the change to blogger from facebook; Firstly from some feedback ive been getting from a few car forums I have been posting our meets on, saying how not everyone has facebook and so not all can access the site. Although this may not seem to be an issue to the younger among us, as we have all grown up with, or had children grow up with and so out of necessity learnt about computers and so facebook. Some of the older amongst us (as we do have a large age range and type of vehicle range from vintage, to classic to modified) do not see the need for facebook. The second is a more minor reason, however I will be leaving facebook after finding they had lost/sold some personal information I had only put on facebook. And so they will loose me as a user/customer at the end of the week. As I said this is only a very minor reason and alone would not cause an issue as Id just get a friend to post on the facebook page for me. (This may still be the case). However this blog is where the most up to date and direct info will be.

I am new to this blogging thing, so do excuse any unusual things I do. I think you can comment on the blogs anonymously (without an account), If I could ask you to begin any posting with your name/nickname/forum name, so we can know who is saying what. Feel free to email me if you have any questions, issues etc. I will also continue to post on Pistonheads, TMF and a few others, however please spread the word about the club, and when events come on tell your friends/clubs/forums of it and help it to grow.

I will be posting up here the next run very shortly, it will be on a Sunday in roughly a month and a bits time and will be a slightly different rout, same sort of size, same sort of roads, just a different selection of them. Keep an eye on this page!

Thankyou all for your continued support of a local, independent, free, and non discriminating club.

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